3 Easy Steps to
Become A Sponsor
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Kinnect Athletes & Families Learn More About Our Sponsorship Drive
Pick a Sponsorship Level
Level Sponsor
EXCLUSIVE - Only one spot available
Everything from Silver Level. ​
Large logo and premium placement on t-shirt & warmup shirt.
A customized plan that promises to increase foot traffic to your business (examples: purchase all coaches gifts from your business, use your businesses food for our end of year celebration, provide gift certificates as prizes during the season, etc.). The possibilities are endless!
Level Sponsor
Four sponsor spots available
Everything from Bronze Level.
Logo placement on warm-up long sleeve & t-shirts for our annual grass volleyball tournament (Blades of Glory)​
Level Sponsor
Unlimited number of sponsors available
Logo placement on Blades of Glory, grass volleyball tournament, shirt.​
Logo display on our official club website
Appreciation on our social media platforms
Acknowledgment during select club events
Scholarship Fund Specific Donation
Starting at
$50 - $500
Ability to direct funds towards a specific player if desired.
Gratitude and Thank you letter from Kinnect Volleyball featuring a club wide photo.
Acknowledgment during select club events